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Best Self Tanners and the Best Tricks To Make Them Perfect

Most people feel they look better when they have a tan, so here you go......

There are a ton of self tanners out in the market today and I have tried them ALL, trust me. From the most expensive to the cheapest, the last the longest to the leopard print, and everything in between. I have in fact found some of the BEST self tanners out there, and no, I am not being paid for this blog :0

Things we self tanning veterans look for in a self tanner:

longevity of tan (at least 3-5 days)

The right color (not upaloompa orange)

No smell (seriously, if we care about being tan we certainly care about how we smell)

Ease of application (we don't need evening anxiety over how we may look the next day)

Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys, I think we may have a WINNER....

Introducing our #1 Self Tanner pick : Lorac Tantilizer

Longevity ( should be applied 2 nights in a row and last 3-5 days)

Color (excellent color and no orange hue)

Smell (once it is washed off and the tan has taken effect there is NO smell)

Application (they have it in the bag, literally, a wonderful mitt is included for perfection)


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